Dithiopyr is a pre-emergence herbicide. It has a low aqueous solubility and, based on its chemical properties, is not expected to leach to groundwater. It is usually persistent in both soil and aquatic systems. It has a low toxicity to mammals and birds but is moderately toxic to most aquatic life, honeybees and earthworms.
Data alerts
The following alerts are based on the data in the tables below. An absence of an alert does not imply the substance has no implications for human health, biodiversity or the environment but just that we do not have the data to form a judgement.
Environmental fate
Human health
Environmental fate Moderate alert: Moderately persistent; Drainflow: Slightly mobile; Potential for particle bound transport: Medium
Ecotoxicity Moderate alert: Fish acute ecotoxicity: Moderate; Fish chronic ecotoxicity: Moderate; Daphnia acute ecotoxicity: Moderate; Bees acute contact ecotoxicity: Moderate
Human health Low alert
A pre-emergence and early post-emergence herbicide used for the control of grasses and broad-leaved weeds
Octanol-water partition coefficient at pH 7, 20 °C
7.59 X 1005
Log P
K3 K = Research datasets (e.g. Pandora, Demetra; these datasets no longer available). Norman Ecotoxicology database. (click here ) 3 = Unverified data of known source
L3 L = Pesticide manuals and hard copy reference books / other sources 3 = Unverified data of known source
Moderately persistent
DT₅₀ (lab at 20 °C)
DT₅₀ (field)
F3 F = U.S. EPA ECOTOX database / U.S. EPA pesticide fate database / Miscellaneous WHO documents / FAO data, IPCS INCHEM data (US EPA Databases Related to Pesticide Risk Assessment ) 3 = Unverified data of known source
Moderately persistent
DT₉₀ (lab at 20 °C)
DT₉₀ (field)
DT₅₀ modelling endpoint
General literature values DT₅₀ range 17-61 days; Other sources: DT₅₀ 400 days (US3)
Dissipation rate RL₅₀ (days) on plant matrix
R3 R = Peer reviewed scientific publications 3 = Unverified data of known source
Turfgrass, n=1
Dissipation rate RL₅₀ (days) on and in plant matrix
R3 R = Peer reviewed scientific publications 3 = Unverified data of known source
As this parameter is not normally measured directly, a surrogate measure is used: ‘Photochemical oxidative DT₅₀’. Where data is available, this can be found in the Fate Indices section below.
Decay in stored produce DT₅₀
Soil adsorption and mobility
Source; quality score; and other information
Kd (mL g⁻¹)
F3 F = U.S. EPA ECOTOX database / U.S. EPA pesticide fate database / Miscellaneous WHO documents / FAO data, IPCS INCHEM data (US EPA Databases Related to Pesticide Risk Assessment ) 3 = Unverified data of known source
Slightly mobile
Koc (mL g⁻¹)
Notes and range
Kf (mL g⁻¹)
Kfoc (mL g⁻¹)
Notes and range
pH sensitivity
Fate indices
Source; quality score; and other information
GUS leaching potential index
Low leachability
SCI-GROW groundwater index (μg l⁻¹) for a 1 kg ha⁻¹ or 1 l ha⁻¹ application rate
5.38 X 10-02
Potential for particle bound transport index
Potential for loss via drain flow
Slightly mobile
Photochemical oxidative DT₅₀ (hrs) as indicator of long-range air transport risk
F5 F = U.S. EPA ECOTOX database / U.S. EPA pesticide fate database / Miscellaneous WHO documents / FAO data, IPCS INCHEM data (US EPA Databases Related to Pesticide Risk Assessment ) 5 = Verified data used for regulatory purposes
Anas platyrhynchos
Birds - Short term dietary (LC₅₀/LD₅₀)
Birds - Chronic 21d NOEL (mg kg⁻¹ bw d⁻¹)
Earthworms - Acute 14 day LC₅₀ (mg kg⁻¹)
> 1000
E3 E = Manufacturers safety data sheets 3 = Unverified data of known source
Earthworms - Chronic NOEC, reproduction (mg kg⁻¹)
Soil micro-organisms
Acute LC₅₀ (mg kg⁻¹)
Chronic NOEC (mg kg⁻¹)
Non-target plants
Honeybees (Apis spp.)
Contact acute LD₅₀ (worst case from 24, 48 and 72 hour values - μg bee⁻¹)
> 53
F5 F = U.S. EPA ECOTOX database / U.S. EPA pesticide fate database / Miscellaneous WHO documents / FAO data, IPCS INCHEM data (US EPA Databases Related to Pesticide Risk Assessment ) 5 = Verified data used for regulatory purposes
Oral acute LD₅₀ (worst case from 24, 48 and 72 hour values - μg bee⁻¹)
Unknown mode acute LD₅₀ (worst case from 24, 48 and 72 hour values - μg bee⁻¹)
Bumblebees (Bombus spp.)
Contact acute LD₅₀ (worst case from 24, 48 and 72 hour values - μg bee⁻¹)
Oral acute LD₅₀ (worst case from 24, 48 and 72 hour values - μg bee⁻¹)
Mason bees (Osmia spp.)
Contact acute LD₅₀ (worst case from 24, 48 and 72 hour values - μg bee⁻¹)
Oral acute LD₅₀ (worst case from 24, 48 and 72 hour values - μg bee⁻¹)
Other bee species (1)
Acute LD₅₀ (worst case from 24, 48 and 72 hour values - μg insect⁻¹)
Mode of exposure
Other bee species (2)
Acute LD₅₀ (worst case from 24, 48 and 72 hour values - μg insect⁻¹)
Mode of exposure
Beneficial insects (Ladybirds)
Beneficial insects (Lacewings)
Beneficial insects (Parasitic wasps)
Beneficial insects (Predatory mites)
Beneficial insects (Ground beetles)
Aquatic ecotoxicology
Source; quality score; and other information
Temperate Freshwater Fish - Acute 96 hour LC₅₀ (mg l⁻¹)
F5 F = U.S. EPA ECOTOX database / U.S. EPA pesticide fate database / Miscellaneous WHO documents / FAO data, IPCS INCHEM data (US EPA Databases Related to Pesticide Risk Assessment ) 5 = Verified data used for regulatory purposes
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Temperate Freshwater Fish - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg l⁻¹)
F3 F = U.S. EPA ECOTOX database / U.S. EPA pesticide fate database / Miscellaneous WHO documents / FAO data, IPCS INCHEM data (US EPA Databases Related to Pesticide Risk Assessment ) 3 = Unverified data of known source
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Tropical Freshwater Fish - Acute 96 hour LC₅₀ (mg l⁻¹)
F3 F = U.S. EPA ECOTOX database / U.S. EPA pesticide fate database / Miscellaneous WHO documents / FAO data, IPCS INCHEM data (US EPA Databases Related to Pesticide Risk Assessment ) 3 = Unverified data of known source
F5 F = U.S. EPA ECOTOX database / U.S. EPA pesticide fate database / Miscellaneous WHO documents / FAO data, IPCS INCHEM data (US EPA Databases Related to Pesticide Risk Assessment ) 5 = Verified data used for regulatory purposes
F3 F = U.S. EPA ECOTOX database / U.S. EPA pesticide fate database / Miscellaneous WHO documents / FAO data, IPCS INCHEM data (US EPA Databases Related to Pesticide Risk Assessment ) 3 = Unverified data of known source
F5 F = U.S. EPA ECOTOX database / U.S. EPA pesticide fate database / Miscellaneous WHO documents / FAO data, IPCS INCHEM data (US EPA Databases Related to Pesticide Risk Assessment ) 5 = Verified data used for regulatory purposes
Lewis, K.A., Tzilivakis, J., Warner, D. and Green, A. (2016) An international database for pesticide risk assessments and management. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 22(4), 1050-1064. DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2015.1133242