OSCAR Case Studies

Three regional case studies were undertaken covering a diversity of the Regional Variation Categories developed during the project. The following criteria were used to select those broad regions:

  • Each contained 'hotspots' where there were issues in relation to climate change mitigation and/or adaptation.

  • Previous studies had been undertaken in the region which could be drawn upon.

  • Each could be covered within the resources available for the project.

The three broad areas chosen are summarised below, with more precise areas for detailed study beijng identified durring the project. Further details can be found in the OSCAR Case Study leaflet .

Region Description Map
Approx. 501,000 ha of which 20% is National Nature Reserve; includes 13 Special Areas of Conservation & 6 Special Protection Areas; upland and lowland farming: livestock and arable cropping; includes some Less Favoured Area of grazed moorland; variable soil types including deep peats & waterlogged soils; high rainfall; number of farms: 2,300. Northumberland, UK
Approx. 4.5 million ha including 245,000 ha irrigated and 1.3 million ha of forestry; predominantly clay soils; main farming systems: crops, meat, vineyards, milk; number of farms: 48,000. Midi-Pyrénées, France
Lower Silesia Province,
Approx. 2 million ha; lowland area with glacial elements includes 2 national parks and 12 landscape parks, forests; high rainfall; fertile soils; farming systems: cereals, potatoes, sugar beet; number of farms: 107,000. Lower Silesia Province, Poland

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Case studies
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© University of Hertfordshire, 2012.