2020-2025: FRAMEwork:
Farmers clusters for realising agrobiodiversity management across
ecosystems (Ref. SFS-01-2018-2019-2020)
biodiversity is understood to comprise all components of biological
diversity that (i) are of relevance for food and agriculture and all
components of biological diversity that (ii) constitute
agro-ecosystems. It is the result of highly dynamic interactions
between the environment, genetic resources, agricultural practices and
historical land management. The various dimensions of agricultural
biodiversity play a significant role in conferring stability,
resilience and adaptability to farming systems.
way farmers manage their land has immediate effects on domesticated and
native biodiversity. Specialised, intensive agriculture has generally
resulted in higher productivity at the expense of decreasing levels of
biodiversity, partly due to a lack of incentives for farmers to
safeguard biodiversity. This H2020 research topic includes activities
to tackle biodiversity decline from various angles ranging from its
supporting functions in agro-ecosystems (e.g. through activities of
plant and soil biota), the integration of diversity into farming
practices and incentives for wider biodiversity management including
native biodiversity.
overarching goal of FRAMEwork is to develop and promote
biodiversity-sensitive farming to conserve native biodiversity, support
ecosystem service provision and maintain reliable agricultural output,
thereby contributing to the growth of sustainable and climate-smart
agriculture in Europe. FRAMEwork responds to the urgent need to
rebalance agricultural systems in a way that recognises and capitalises
on the value of native biodiversity in the context of major global
challenges of biodiversity loss (ca 60% since 1970), declining food
security, and climate change.
Dr. Doug Warner
