2024-2025: Service request supporting the evaluation of Directive (EU) 2016/2284 on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (NEC Directive) (090202/2024/917478/SFRA/ENV.C.3)

This project will support the European Commission in the evaluation of Directive (EU) 2016/2284 on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (NEC Directive). The overall objective is to provide evidence on whether the Directive is meeting its objectives and is still fit for purpose, by assessing its effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, relevance, and EU added value. It is also intended that the evaluation explores the potential for simplification and savings in regulatory costs and informs any future decision on the potential revision of the Directive. Ultimately, this will assist the Commission in determining to what extent was the implementation of the NEC Directive successful and why; how the NEC Directive made a difference; and whether the NEC Directive is still relevant. AERU's role in the project largely focuses on analysing the coherence and relevance of the NEC Directive in relation to EU agricultural policies and scientific evidence.


Dr. John Tzilivakis



University of Hertfordshire
University of Hertfordshire, 2024.