2018-2020: Providing support
in relation to the identification of approaches and measures in action
programmes under Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) (Ref.
The management of nutrients
in agricultural production is a critical process that can affect the
economic viability of agricultural enterprises and their environmental
impact in terms of emissions to water and air. In particular, the use
of nitrogen fertilisers can result in losses of nitrate to surface and
groundwater and emissions of ammonia, nitrogen oxides and nitrous oxide
to the atmosphere. The issue of nutrient pollution from agriculture has
been ongoing challenge. Many of the processes are well understood, but
their application in the context of commercial production is often one
of trying to strike a balance between competing objectives.
In the European Union,
numerous policies have been developed and implemented that aim to
tackle nutrient pollution from agriculture, including Council Directive
91/676/EEC (the Nitrates Directive). Article 5 of this Directive
requires Member States to develop action programme measures to reduce
nutrient pollution. These measures can vary from one Member State or
region to another, with scope for differences in efficacy and
efficiency across the European Union depending on the measures
implemented and the circumstances in which they are applied (e.g.
climate, soil type, land use, etc.).
The aim of this project was
to compile, compare and synthesise information regarding the action
programme measures implemented under the Nitrates Directive in each of
the 28 Member States (and at regional levels where applicable). For
each Member State, it created an electronic inventory of the measures
implemented under the Directive and identified and characterised: (i)
the main differences in approaches and measures; (ii) existing best
practices; (iii) potential transboundary impacts; and (iv) interactions
with Directive 2016/2284 (the National Emission Ceilings Directive).
This resulted in a better understanding of how the Nitrates Directive
has been implemented across the European Union and helped identify
practices which have the greatest positive impact.
- Tzilivakis, J., Warner, D., Green, A., & Lewis, K.A. (2021). A broad-scale spatial analysis of the environmental benefits of fertiliser closed periods implemented under the Nitrates Directive in Europe. Journal of Environmental Management, 299: 113674. DOI.
- Tzilivakis, J., Green, A., Warner, D.J. &
Lewis, K.A. (2020). Identification of approaches and measures in
action programmes under Directive 91/676/EEC. Final report. Report
prepared for Directorate-General Environment, European Commission, for
project ENV.D.1/SER/2018/0017 by the Agriculture and Environment
Research Unit (AERU), University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. [Download].
- Tzilivakis, J., Green, A., Warner, D.J. &
Lewis, K.A. (2020). Identification of approaches and measures in
action programmes under Directive 91/676/EEC. Final report: Annex A:
Comparison of implementation and environmental characterisation of NAP
measures. Report prepared for Directorate-General Environment,
European Commission, for project ENV.D.1/SER/2018/0017 by the
Agriculture and Environment Research Unit (AERU), University of
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. [Download].
- Tzilivakis, J., Green, A., Warner, D.J. &
Lewis, K.A. (2020). Identification of approaches and measures in
action programmes under Directive 91/676/EEC. Final report: Annex B:
Nitrate Action Programme characterisation scoring and aggregation
methods. Report prepared for Directorate-General Environment,
European Commission, for project ENV.D.1/SER/2018/0017 by the
Agriculture and Environment Research Unit (AERU), University of
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. [Download].
- Tzilivakis, J., Green, A., Warner, D.J. &
Lewis, K.A. (2020). Identification of approaches and measures in
action programmes under Directive 91/676/EEC. Final report: Annexes
C1-28: Austria to United Kingdom. Report prepared for
Directorate-General Environment, European Commission, for project
ENV.D.1/SER/2018/0017 by the Agriculture and Environment Research Unit
(AERU), University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. [Download].
- Tzilivakis, J., Green, A., Warner, D.J. &
Lewis, K.A. (2020). Identification of approaches and measures in
action programmes under Directive 91/676/EEC. Final report: Annex D:
Risk characterisation of all Nitrate Action Programmes. Report
prepared for Directorate-General Environment, European Commission, for
project ENV.D.1/SER/2018/0017 by the Agriculture and Environment
Research Unit (AERU), University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.
Dr. John
