2012-2012: Water footprinting pasta production

This short project undertook a water footprinting case study for dry semolina pasta at brand level using the approach advocated by the Water Footprint Network. Comparisons were made between production in Italy and the United States, and the findings were placed in context by using a water stress index used to consider the findings in the light of freshwater availability, human use and biodiversity impacts.

Results showed that the water footprint for pasta production is around 25% higher in the US than it is in Italy, and once regional water stresses are considered the relative difference between the two areas increases further. The results inform on the sustainability of water consumption practices and the environmental performance of the agri-food production and supply chain.


  • Tavernini, S., Lewis, K.A. & Tzilivakis, J. (2012). The application of the concept of water footprint at brand level: A case study in an Italian company. Final report for MSc in Environmental Management, University of Hertfordshire.


Prof. Kathy Lewis

University of Hertfordshire
University of Hertfordshire, 2023.